A world powered by software
We build versatile, efficient and secure software products for companies and hobby developers - pushed forward by Open Source, agile processes and tests.
Set visions, build opportunities
We follow strict processes and guidelines in order to build the best possible software products that are accessible for everyone.

Concept of our applications

Modern user interface
A modern, standardized, intuitive and reactive user interface is the main aspect for the look-and-feel of a user. We use the newest, hardware-accelerated, vector-based UI frameworks (e.g. WPF) for best results.
Flexible architecture
A well thought out, flexible and extendable architecture is important for any software product to simplify the later maintenance and development. For this reason, we always use a high degree of abstraction, services and common software patterns.
Optimal test coverage
Tests are essential for the quality assurance of an application. Each functionality must be tested as separate unit and within integration tests to cover the happy path and most edge cases. For this reason, we rely on wide unit tests and frameworks for automated integration tests.
Agile development processes
Each feature is moved to a small, independent package that will be worked on and added to the application within an iterative process. By using version control management (git) and continuous integration, we can ensure a well-organized and bug-free project development.

Our vision


Our applications fulfill high-level security standards. This also includes attack scenarios that are often not even thought of or presumed to have an underestimated impact (like e.g. ARP spoofing or compromised data packages).

We also take a look behind the barriers, check possible dangerous functionalities and implementations for different attack vectors and design our products with the highest security measures.

We especially rely on symmetric and asymmetric crypto systems with large key sizes and collision-safe hash algorithms whilst only using implementations from the underlying frameworks/APIs.

Fair licensing

We want to give each developer the opportunity to use the functionality of our software products. For this reason, we provide many features based on a free license for non-commercial purposes.

This way, we can ensure that hobby developers can also profit from simplified processes, without being scared away by expensive subscription plans or facing other adverse consequences.

Our opinion is that our corporate philosophy should be available to everyone in order to build an easier and safer digital world.

We also offer versatile, commercial licenses with costs based on company or team sizes.

Newest technologies

Our products are always developed by using the newest technologies, whilst always trying to aim for a maximum of compatibility where it makes sense.

By doing this, we can ensure fast and comfortable development processes as well as a high degree of security and power - for clients and servers.

Following the end of the actual development, we always maintain our code base to stay up-to-date.

C# 11
.NET 7
.NET Standard 2.1
Ruby 3.2
Rails 7

Service packages

We would look forward to supporting your code base with our philosophy. Our service packages aim to help you out and improve existing processes in your application.

.NET development

€125 / hour

Includes .NET applications (VB.NET and C#), based on Windows Forms or WPF.

1 developer with 1-16 hour(s) per month
small feature developments
Bug fixes and CVE tracking
Code improvements and payback for technical debts
Architecture and technology consulting

Updater integration

€85 / hour
Tailored integration of the update system nUpdate to the needs of your .NET application, enabling fully automatic and secure updating.
Integration of a custom code signing certificate
Adaption to the name and user interface of your application
Integration of custom versioning semantics

All visible prices are net prices. Final gross prices are calculated by applying the VAT rate of 19%.


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